Knowledge Wave

The "WissensWelle" is a joint project of the Haus der Wissenschaft Braunschweig, the Bürgerstiftung Braunschweig and the Braunschweigische Stiftung.

The website provides an overview of educational opportunities for children, teenagers and young adults in the Braunschweig region. Researchers as well as subject matter experts from the region can also be requested for a classroom visit or to assist with school competitions and projects.


Our Knowledge Ambassadors look forward to visiting your facility!

The following DIGIT Knowledge Ambassadors present themselves together with other Knowledge Ambassadors from the Braunschweig region with their areas of expertise. By inviting them into their classes, they offer their class a personal and in-depth insight into their research topics or career paths and can also be requested to assist with school competitions or project days.

Book a Science Ambassador now!

Would you like to invite a Knowledge Ambassador to your classroom? On the website www.wissenswelle.orgyou can find out everything about the exciting program!